Thursday, November 22, 2012


  I'm posting about being thankful on Thanksgiving Day.  Shocker, right?  Well, maybe not to you, but to me it kinda is.  This year could very easily be summed up by Charles Dickens, "It was the best of times; it was the worst of times."  We have had some hard times, and dreams lost.  The fact that "best of times" made it on the slogan for the year is nothing short of a miracle from God.  And, the fact that I am actually filled to the brim, overflowing with thankfulness today is also nothing short of a blessing and miracle work in my heart from God.

 This year could have been isolating and, honestly, there were days when I felt like my future would be very lonely.  So, smile with me please as I show you the blessings I am so thankful for this year.

Wonderful week long vacation with friends from Texas (and Georgia) in beautiful Charleston.  These people are just the best of the best. 

Fun spontaneous family trip to Richmond, VA with the hubby's family. 
Great time with these crazy girls!

 Then, those crazy fun girls and their way cool parents came to see US for a week.  Bonus- my awesome in-laws came for awhile too! 
 Trip to the mountains of NC with friends from college.  So relaxing.  LOVE that we all still make time for each other, even if it isn't as often as we like. 

Thanksgiving with my family (plus in-laws, not pictured) at my Granny's farm.  I'm so thankful for every holiday we get with her.  This place is so full of memories, all made special by her and my papa.  It was as close to a perfect day for me as I could get I think.  

Best of times indeed. 

At the beginning of November I decided to look up a bunch of scriptures that spoke of thankfulness and praising God.  Today's reading I think I'm going to read every Thanksgiving from now on. It's King David's prayer of praise to God at his commissioning of Solomon to build the temple. I really encourage you to read all of it (1 Chronicles 29:10-22) but here is what I wanted to share today. 

"But who am I, and who are my people, that we should be able to give as generously as this? For everything comes from You, and we have given You only what comes from Your own hand. For we live before You as foreigners and temporary residents in Your presence as were all our ancestors." 
(v. 14-15) 

Who am I Lord? Who am I that you would give me so much.  Thank you! 


  1. welcome back to blogland! hopefully for good?? :) and what a beautiful post! and i'm sorry for dreams's crazy how a dream, something not even tangible yet, holds so much space in our hearts at times. good in one way (dreaming of heaven....the goals we work so hard for), but so painful when not fully realized. but i love how God has made your cup overflow w/blessings even in the midst of "the worst of times" (and that you see many don't). His grace is crazy astounding, huh?

  2. Who am I that you would give me so much? Happy Thanksgiving, friend <3 I love this verse and will add it to my Thanksgiving reading.
