Tuesday, November 17, 2009


So, Aaron and I never watched American Idol for like the first four or five seasons. Then, one year I was home sick while they were doing all the auditions. To kill time, we watched all the auditions, then, well, we were hooked. The first season we really got into was the David's battle. Archie vs. Cook. This past year, we were really pulling for Kris Allen. I liked him from about halfway through the season. Every week his talent surprised me. Now, I'm not knocking Adam Lambert's talent in any way. The boy can sing. But, his style was very not me. Plus, Kris was something of an underdog. I always felt like he didn't get enough credit, so I was super glad when he won. Not to mention, I had a tiny crush on him. :) What can I say. I like the dark haired, guitar playing type. Especially this guy...

Anyway, the one thing I don't always like so much about idol is that you have to wait what seems like forever for the winners to release their albums. Today Kris's album was released! Yeah! New music to listen to while driving for the holidays! Pretty good. It even helped make cleaning the bathroom today a little less dismal.

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