Life is marching on. I feel like if I blink fast, then it's going to be Christmas! I was sick on Sunday afternoon and Monday (which was my last day off) so that put me terribly behind for the week. I had a lot I needed to get done on Monday, but I ended up just rotating between the bed and the couch. Thankfully, my wonderful husband was kind enough to take good care of me and I felt much better on Tuesday, just in time to head back to work. Which, was good because if I hadn't gone back to work I would have been that much more behind. But, my clinic is cleaned and mostly in order, and I'm ready for open house tomorrow! (Will be a LONG day....)
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Busy Business....
Life is marching on. I feel like if I blink fast, then it's going to be Christmas! I was sick on Sunday afternoon and Monday (which was my last day off) so that put me terribly behind for the week. I had a lot I needed to get done on Monday, but I ended up just rotating between the bed and the couch. Thankfully, my wonderful husband was kind enough to take good care of me and I felt much better on Tuesday, just in time to head back to work. Which, was good because if I hadn't gone back to work I would have been that much more behind. But, my clinic is cleaned and mostly in order, and I'm ready for open house tomorrow! (Will be a LONG day....)
Friday, July 24, 2009
Abandoned Astrid
This poor chair was found up for adoption at a local church. It's coat looks sadly worse for the wear after being abandoned and left for lost in a storage rooms for the better part of probably twenty years.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Day by Day
I spend my mornings with God before I hit the grind
The subtleties of darkness never cease to amaze
As a physical world creates a spiritual haze
Blinded by distractions
Lost in matterless affairs
Reaching through the darkness
Trusting you will meet me there
Day by day, day by day
Day by day, day by day
Oh dear lord, three things I pray
To see thee more clearly
To love thee more dearly
To follow thee more nearly
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
The blessings of Laundry
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
If Heaven were a place on Earth...
Monday, July 20, 2009
Hammocks and basil.
I love summer. Well, I love summer days like today, which seem like what summer days really were meant to be. Sunny, in the low 80's, slight, cool breeze, and a free schedule! Blank slate! My husband would tell you that if I know I have a day off, I have something planned. And, sadly, he's right. I'm a perpetual planner and I also have a perpetual to-do list. If I don't accomplish something in a day I usually feel like I wasted it. Which is why today was so awesome! I was supposed to work at the hospital, but got put on call, and then didn't get called in. I love that! It's like being given the gift of time. So, I spent time relaxing here in my hammock and then made this yummy dinner.
Jack of all trades
Somewhere around two years ago while working in the Cardiovascular ICU I printed a “list” (list of patients he had in the hospital) for a surgeon. Normally, the secretaries do this sort of thing, but none were around right then, so I thought, “Hey, I can do this, let me try.” I did it, quite efficiently I might add. When the surgeon expressed his surprise that I knew how to do a task that I wasn’t really responsible for, I smiled and said “I’m a jack of all trades!”. I was pretty proud of myself, I’ll admit. Until he smiled back and said “Master of none?” Ouch. And double ouch because it’s pretty much true. I seem to be the master of being mediocre at a lot of things.
My granny likes to say that I’ll try and do anything! And, it’s pretty much true too. If I think I can do it, I’ll try it. At least the one time. I may never do it again, but I’ll try it once. There are at least two instances I can think of where this has rung true. I sewed sofa covers out of painter drop cloths (cheap fabric!) for some old sofas we had right after we got married. They looked fine, but I will never do that again. The process was too painful. The same can be said of this Martha Stewart baby block cake I baked for a friends baby shower. It was cute, and everyone loved it, but I will never again make that cake. At least until I forget how painful (and LONG) the process was to make it! (FYI, this sort of process applies to many Martha Stewart projects, just in case you were wondering!) What’s the big deal you ask? Well, the big deal is that I get frustrated with my lack of mastery at things. I think that is why I have put off doing a blog for so long. I LOVE to read so many (It’s the nosy introvert coming out in me. It’s fun to read about peoples lives from the comfort and convenience of your own couch, on your own time.) But some of them are SO amazing, and I fear mine would never be. I am not some awesome baker, decorator or even crafter whose ideas you are going to swoon over and have you coming back daily for more. (Like my sister in law. Yes, Kirsten, your creative genius intimidates me sometimes! But, I’m also super thankful to have you around as a resource and for ideas. You’re amazing!) I don’t even have kids to liven things up. That has been my other hang up. My life is pretty boring. It’s just me, Aaron, and the cats Tabitha and Mari. We don’t do much that I would imagine would interest the rest of the world, even though we love our life. So, how, you may be asking did I arrive here?
Well, my lovely friend April has a great blog. And, it hit me when I was reading it that there is nothing extra special in and of itself in her blog. (Hang with me April...this is really a good thing I promise.) I mean, she blogs about her kids fishing out of the toilet, what amazing deals she got using coupons, thinking of planning a yard sale, and what chores she has left to do that day! But, I love reading it, because I love her and it’s fun to see what’s going on in her everyday life. I mean, that’s really where life is isn’t it? In the little things you do on a day to day basis?
So, I may not be Martha Stewart, Ina Garten, Beth Moore, Jane Austen, Mozart, a marathon runner, or Florence Nightingale, but I can keep a clean, nice looking home, bake a good cake, teach a bible study, read music, run a 5K in less than 30 minutes, and take care of sick people, thank you very much Dr. Nazarian! And, well, we’ll see if the blog thing becomes yet another check on the list of things to never do again. For now, well, I’m going to give it a go. I’ll be flattered if you come along for the ride!