Monday, November 14, 2011


Piggybacking off of yesterday's post...I'm so thankful for the journey we took to get to the place we are now. The town, the church, the jobs and friends we have are such blessings. All the glory for that goes to God. He is the one who has led us and guided us (sometimes kicking and screaming) down the roads we took. It's wonderful to look back and see His hand, and pieces of His plan forming in our lives- and to feel used by Him here and now is what really makes us feel "at home." I pray you know what that peace feels like in your own life. Here is my hubby singing a song from this past Sunday that echoes a lot of what I feel in this post. It's one of my favorite songs ever, and I was so bummed that I missed him singing it live! So- I'm also thankful for modern video recordings!

Sunday, November 13, 2011


I'm so thankful for my neighborhood. It's older, quiet and quaint. We have a nice little park just behind my house, and in nice weather all the families with little kids go and hang out. The parents talk while the kids play. Kids ride their's almost like I stepped back in time! We couldn't have found a better place to buy our first home. Or at least one that suits us more.

Saturday, November 12, 2011


I was fortunate enough in college to have some of the greatest friends. College really fosters friendships in a way that no other time in life does. You're growing up together, have time to hang out until two am, and really and truly LIVE with you friends. It's great. These two girls and I met in college and have remained such close friends. Luckily, we all married great guys who get along and enjoy each other's company as well. Our lives are busier than we would like now, and time to hang out isn't as plentiful as we would like, but the time we do get together is twice as sweet for it. There's always plenty of laughing and fun times. I'm so thankful for the "Six, 1/2 dozen." (Shout out to Whit's End!)

Friday, November 11, 2011

A clean house.

I cleaned like a mad woman Thursday. I mean...CLEANED. From windows to the oven, if you could be put in the washer you were washed, if you could be wiped down you were wiped and if you could be vacuumed, you were vacuumed! I don't particularly love cleaning. But, I really love a clean house. More importantly, fall cleaning is off my plate and mind so I can move on with the merriment of the holidays! Or, at least wasting hours browsing online for gifts. I'm serious when I tell you that if I could buy groceries online, I would.
I'm so thankful for my home. And, the internet which allows me to shop from home in my pj's. And, for that matter, all the free shipping deals this time of the year. PJ's, no crowds, no time in the car, no money spent on gas and free shipping!? Remind me again why you would go to the store?

Thursday, November 10, 2011


I love Wednesdays. It's a busy day for me, I'm always off on Wednesdays (or try to be) so I can be at church. So, it's also my "housekeeping" day. My day to clean, do laundry, buy groceries...all the essential stuff that needs to get done every week. I enjoy puttering around the house, I enjoy eating dinner with friends at church (and not having to cook!) and I enjoy Wednesday night Bible study. Usually I teach a women's class, and we always have a blast. Occasionally in the past I when I needed a break I would take Aaron's Wednesday night class. I always learn so much from his classes, and the group of regulars he has in there are just a hoot and some of the greatest people. I love my girls, but occasionally it's nice to change things up a bit.
Lately, it's been doubly great because Aaron and I have actually been teaching a class together called "Remember" on the Jewish feasts. He's done all the research and "Bible teaching" about them, and I've been the Application section. It has been great fun, both in class on Wednesday nights and during the week at home because we talk about it and plan together. This past Wednesday night was on Sukkoth, or "festival of booths" where Jewish families remember the time they spent wandering as nomads in the wilderness. The focus is on being thankful for all that God has blessed them with. So, naturally this holiday ties in easily with the Thanksgiving holiday. I had them write what they were thankful for on pieces of paper on the table and told them to go nuts with their creative sides. Boy did they. :) They made me smile so much I actually brought them home and put them on my dining room table.

And my personal favorite...

I'm so thankful for the opportunity to teach with my husband, to attend such a great church, and to get to study scripture with such a great group of people!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Good Morning.

Today, I am thankful for quiet mornings. On my days off I linger over my breakfast and hot tea, and spend some quality time with the Lord. It's how I wish I could start every day.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Tonight, after a long day at work and then a busy evening at home...which may or may not have included a cat throwing up...I'm simply grateful for a hot bath and a comfy bed. Good night!

Monday, November 7, 2011

This guy.

Today I'm thankful for husbands who fix broken iPhoto libraries.
And brave a trip to chick-fil-a to get dinner, even when they have poison ivy in their eye and everyone at the restaurant stares. (We had leftovers...I promise he didn't have to! I'm not cruel!)
Ok, let's face it...I'm just thankful for this guy...

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Giving Thanks

Long time no see. In true Natalie fashion, I tend to only do this when I have something specific I want to share (project, etc.) Well, no real projects right now (are you kidding...the holidays are coming up!) but for this month I really want to focus on being thankful. So, for every day of this month, I'm going to post about something I'm thankful for. I'm a few days behind, I know. So for today I'm going to play catch up....six things I'm thankful for.

1. This lady. She was in the hospital last week, and it just reminded me how grateful I should be to still get to have her around. Growing up she was willing to do whatever I asked (almost) to entertain me. She still is a constant source of laughter and love, and not to mention all those yummy recipes she has passed down. My mom and I are still going to require her to supervise kitchen duty for thanksgiving because without her, we know the dressing won't come out right!

2. These colors. The change of seasons is so necessary to our souls, I think!

3. My furry babies. Without them, life would be decidedly less interesting and cozy.

4. Date nights. I love it when we linger over dinner because we still have so much to say! (I'm also thankful for the tiny doughnuts at O'Charley's...yummy!!)

5. Pinterest. My creative and organizational brain loves it! (You can follow me here.)

6. My Sunday School class. These ladies are the best...and even suggested the idea to do adopt a needy family for Christmas! I love them!