Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The Great Adventure

I love the movie "You've got mail"  How far we have come from the days of "dial up" internet!  I have a hard time remembering a day without google.  I think I love the movie because, in many ways I am Kathleen Kelly.  So many lines she says feel like they could be coming out of my mouth.  "Daisy's are my favorite flower.  They're so friendly.  Don't you think daisies are the friendliest flower?" "Sometimes I wonder about my life.  I lead a small life.  Well, small, but valuable.  And sometimes I wonder, do I do it because I like it, or because I haven't been brave? So much of what I see reminds me of something I read in a book, when, shouldn't it be the other way around?"  She finally had to be brave enough to dare to believe that she could have a different life.  I do not think I am a brave person.  Not by any stretch of the imagination.  Thankfully, God has seen fit over the years to gently pull me (i.e. force me) out of the pleasantly routine, safe and comfortable place I'm in and move me on to some place where I'm stretched and challenged.  The amazing thing is that afterwards, I'm so much more thankful that I took the step out of my comfortable place.  And, an amazingly, the queen of routine has learned to embrace change.  Don't get me wrong. When I'm stressed, the first thing I"m going to try to do is either set up a routine to handle it, or run back to my old routine.  But I like the adventure.  We've started new small groups at church, and I have to say, each one of those feels like I'm starting on a new adventure.  As the song goes "Saddle up your horses, we've got a trial to blaze.  Through the wild blue yonder of God's amazing grace.  We'll follow our leader into the glory of unknown.  This is a life like no other...this is the great adventure!"  Here's to the adventures God has waiting on us tomorrow....

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